Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014

A kayak for my son

What a craft weighing only 6 kg @ 305 cm lenght and 40 cm width: just lashed, pegged and sewn together with not a single piece of metal or a drop of glue! It is the most satisfying work i have ever done. Using my grandfathers tools and my knowledge about wood to manufacture a bespoke greenland-type skin on frame kayak for my son is truly a joyfull task. Many thanks to my web- and literature-mentors Thomas Grögler, David Zimmerly, Christopher Cunningham, Paul Montgomery and Harvey Golden!!!

 All ribs are in! Short sentence, long process...at least for the first time;-)

With the keelson and chines attached, bow and stern stem plates pegged in place (see the trapezoidal piece of darker wood connecting the stem with the gunwales) the only thing missing is the skin.

 First thing that really matters: inner qualities.

 Second thing that really matters: outer qualities.

Third thing that really matters: next project! 

Soon to come more pics of the next project: a sturgeon nosed canoe!

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